The Ramadhan Diaries

Fasting in London and beyond

Archive for the tag “Pakistan”

Greetings on Day 3

So hello and thank you to Pakistan, France and Canada! This blog has had views from folk over there now-so my little world map device thingy tells me. The wonders of the modern internet, social media age will never stop amazing me. And all from my little room in East London.

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The Imagining History Programme UK

Creative historical fiction writing for young writers.

The Ramadhan Diaries

Fasting in London and beyond

Overtime Cook

The Home of Real Life Kosher Cooking

White Elephant in the Room

random insight from an unwanted houseguest

Abby Has Issues

I have issues. So do you.

Mostly Bright Ideas

Some of these thoughts may make sense. But don't count on it.

Listful Thinking

Listless: Lacking zest or vivacity