The Ramadhan Diaries

Fasting in London and beyond

Human Rights

You’ve Got Mail – Guantanamo Bay

Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Deghayes talks about the importance of receiving mail when in detention. It’s a million times worse during Ramadhan when thoughts are obviously more focused on home and family. Despite promises from President Obama to close the Guantanamo detention facility, it’s still going strong and for some this must be nearly the 10th Ramadhan behind those walls. 

One thought on “Human Rights

  1. Malcolm Bush on said:

    I have just watched the short video clip of Omar Deghayes; he tells us how receiving mail whilst in detention helped him. Watching this clip has helped me to write more letters towards more detainees. He makes a good point about the big propaganda machine, that keeps the number of letters very small, compared to what they should be. I’ve got the full kit of printed campaign material and so forth; but the few local people I have asked to join the campaign have laughed at me.

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